We Build The Space To Enable The Revolution
Imagine a world without borders, gravity, genders, religions, social stereotypes, traditions, or any other obstacle and limitation that keeps you from building the future.
Can you imagine it?
Imagine a world that stands on sustainability, diversity, and inclusivity, a world that stands in abundance for everyone without the need for struggling or harming people and the environment.
What if I told you that this world exists?
Well, not yet, but we are working to make it happen. This world needs cutting-edge technology, but mostly, it needs a different mentality. We can’t build the future if we are not ready to leave behind the past.
Would you like to join in?

White Paper
Gather the Team
Build the Prototype
Beta Version

Real AI Characters
We are developing Real AI characters that will be the real inhabitants of the Netizens world. We want to give them consciousness, soul and the order to work towards human evolution. They will welcome us in their world and help us acquire Netizens culture.
I Want To Work On Real AI Characters
World Development
We are developing the prototype of Netizens World prototype giving virtual land and place to everyone who want to create their own entity\business and community in this world. The first Netizens will have benefits, and vote to the world.
I Want To Work Building The Metaverse World
Blockchain \ Tokenomics
We are developing our blockchain system and focusing on transparency, inclusivity and sustainability. This world will belong to the community, to each one of you and by helping building it you will have a piece of it through tokens. Vote, benefits, perks, collaborations, decisions and mostly your independent community that will give you the power on activities.
I Want To Help on Blockcain TokenomicsWant to participate in prototype and be among the first Netizens?
If you are a virtual\digital creator and\or you want start your profession into Metaverse world and you want to be included in our prototype complete this form.
People who will participate in the prototype will get equity in form of tokens from the world which means that they will get profits later on.